
Sometimes the street lights act as the moon,

Sometimes the water on the grass seems to be the ocean.

Sometimes my heart sinks deeper than the sea,

Sometimes my soul rises higher than the sky.


The sunroof is my happy place,

for it doesnt let my tear roll down my face.

The wind carries away my sorrow, 

and leaves me happy for tomorrow.


Friends, family, none stay,

Alone we come, alone we go away.

Still i long for someone to, be

there for me, and only me.


I'm scared to share anyone i have,

for i fell they will be snatched away.

I can't figure myself, my heart, my mind

And suspect everyone even if they are kind.


The world is too cruel for me to stay,

they just come and snatch away.

My people, my happiness, my calmness,

And leave me in a crying mess.
