Raising Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

It is important to be aware of overall health so we can detect any symptoms and seek medical help when necessary. One spectrum that we need to focus are mental health issues. Nowadays, a mental health issue is one of the biggest problems that everyone faces, including young people. Many people have mental health conditions and some people don't recognize they have a mental health problem cause they don't recognize the symptoms. Some people who have mental health problems are suffering in secret because of the stigma.

Raising mental health awareness can help people to understand the symptoms of mental illness, to seek medical professional help if necessary, and to break the mental health stigma. Mental health awareness can help people who are impacted by mental health issues, especially young people who suffer from these conditions. Some common disorders that need more awareness include generalized anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, substance use disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and suicidal ideation. 

Each mental health condition has different symptoms, and they can impact every aspect of a person's life. Mental health influences the way people think, feel and behave. This means that mental health impact the social, professional, and personal life of a person who is impacted. Some people who have mental health conditions aren’t sure how to cope with their symptoms and this leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms to push away their emotional discomfort. As a result, some people with mental health conditions might also have an addiction to drugs or alcohol to push away their emotional problems. If people who suffer from mental health conditions go untreated, they are actually at a greater risk for developing the co-occurring disorder and will need dual diagnosis treatment to fully recover.

Mental health awareness helps the people who are suffering from a mental health condition to assess their own risks and find help for any conditions they might have. Raising mental health awareness is not only to help yourself but knowing more about mental health disorders can also help the people around you, especially family members, friends, and maybe coworkers.


Raising mental health awareness not only helps you to understand mental health and its symptoms but you can also help the people around you especially your family, and friends who suffer from this condition.