Back to School with UNICEF

Students for UNICEF Kid Power

Do you like staying active? Do you enjoy making an impact? 

In the spirit of back-to-school, UNICEF Kid Power is a timely and year-round campaign from UNICEF that combines both into a single campaign. Below are some common questions that can help you get started, even if you're sitting in a classroom or stuck at home on a rainy day.

Q: So what is UNICEF Kid Power? 

A: Formerly known as TeachUNICEF, UNICEF Kid Power is a highly accessible, super inclusive campaign that anyone can plug into for the fantastic price of free! Using short videos known as "Kid Power Ups", teachers and parents can guide students through quick exercises and learning lessons about different types of games around the world, in addition to the lifesaving impact they're able to create through their exercise and activity.

Q: How does it work?

A: Through the Kid Power app available for iOS and Android, students can exercise their way to funding from UNICEF partners, which secures resources to provide nutrition to children in the most under-resourced or malnourished communities around the world. Teachers and parents can also implement these activities without the app and without philanthropic partners, if you would like to simply motivate your kids to learn more and get moving!

Q: What if I'm not a teacher or educator?

A: No problem! Anyone — whether a parent, adult, caregiver, coach, or teen leader — can create the structure and environment for kids to get involved with this easy-to-install, Internet-access campaign. Or as UNICEF USA's official information sheet from May 2018 aptly puts it, these resources are "designed to work anywhere, from the living room to the playing field."

Q: I'm in! How can I get started?

Great! Learn more at and sign up today. You can also visit the UNICEF Kid Power Resource Desk for supporting materials, classroom toolkits, teacher tips, and lesson plans. 


Daria Zhao is a former UNICEF Clubs Chair and a member of UNICEF's Next Generation.

Fun Fact: "UNICEF Kid Power has been named one of TIME Magazine’s 25 Best Inventions. To date, students, families and groups have unlocked more than 8.2 million packets of lifesaving nutrition — enough to save more than 52,000 lives." (UNICEF)