A Hidden Truth Within Ourselves

Blossoming flowers

Within all misleading coatings, lies a truth. A framework, an embodiment, rooted far beyond any physical manifestation. No scope, colossal or the diametrically opposing, can measure the existence of such a force. The discovery of the latter is merely a quest for one individual, who possesses the psyche. 

The pursuit of an inspiriting validity will inevitably be taxing. Challenging the very humanity that has been by our side, as both a companion and a combatant, is imperative. However, the resistance to lucidly following the path paved by those surrounding us, should be a cause worth fighting for.

After all, unclarity acts as a catalyst to shield us from the reality of what encompasses us. Thus, forcing us to internalize our pain, deeming it to be invincible by design. In the absence of any self-perception, confusion and isolation are promoted in order to facilitate a life that is only partially livable. Meaning, emotions, if felt, are partial. Potential, if achieved, is partial. And true happiness, if sensed, is merely an illusion.

Finding oneself is synonymous to attaining a level of enlightenment which would give rise to an inner wisdom. Instead of donning a figurative mask, we should seek to unearth our inner selves. Although it may appear to be complicated, without an understanding of ourselves, there is not a chance we could understand the world around us. 

United States of America