My middle school to high school transition

high school

My transition from middle school to high school was hard. No one ever told me it would get much harder from middle school. I’ve always assumed that it would get easier from there, but I was wrong. Never expected for it to be this hard. From stressing over if I'll get the homework done on time, to if I will be accepted to college.  But now I’m getting better and handling it all.

The stress has reduced and everything has gotten better. I started to plan my time to make sure I have enough time for everything I need to get done. I made sure I had enough time for homework and and free time like playing video games and family bonding. It's reduced a lot of anxiety and depression. It's also raised my confidence a little. I am more confident that I'll complete the homework on time.

I’ve grown a lot in high school mentally and physically. I’ve learned to be less childish and more mature and responsible about my actions. I’ve learned to rationalize things before making a decision. I’ve learned the differences between bad and good decision making. Overall high school has turned me into a smarter and better person. Even though I had a rough start to high school, it managed to end very well for me.

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