You have a voice, use it for good

Use your voice!!!

I believe living in the United States is the greatest privilege. I have been so blessed to be able to claim the many constitutional rights of an American. I honestly believe that the first amendment is the most significant right given to Americans. Having the right to express myself makes me excited. The fact that I can speak my mind on any topic is also frightening. I need to be careful that I do not speak before thinking.

‘With great power comes great responsibilities’. Solely because I am able to say anything does not mean that I should. There are things I think that should not be said. As I have grown I have tried to use my voice to speak my mind on global topics that I am passionate about. I believe that it is important to speak my mind. I have the right to have a voice and speak my mind. It would be senseless to do nothing and sit, I know I need to utilize what I have. There are so many countries where women cannot share their opinions. I feel that I owe it to them to take advantage of what so many are fighting for. If you live in the United States and you have an opinion, speak your truth, preferably in a kind fashion :).

United States of America