Coronavirus and creativity: from my window

From my window

Whe the quarantine was approved in my country due to the increase in cases associated with COVID-19 the reaction I had was not surprising: I felt fear, confusion and frustration. It is normal to feel this way, nobody was prepared to live a circumstance as complex as the one we currently face.

By nature we are social beings, we find it difficult to be away from each other, but physical distance is necessary to prevent and counteract the disease.

This was not going to be easy, I started to take things easy, to avoid negative thoughts invading me.

There are so many activities that I had not been able to carry out previously due to lack of time and being in confinement has been an opportunity to return to what I had left pending and be able to create more spaces for my self-care.

Creativity in time of Coronavirus

Being able to create for me has been a tool in times of crisis.

Drawing has kept me busy, after finishing academic homework. Another activity that can be quite entertaining is reading, because you can explore different worlds through reading. If you are already an amateur reader, you know what I mean, if it is not the right time and you are invited to start with the beautiful habit of reading, there is a universe of books to decipher.

Feel free to do everything that serves for your self-care. Plan a routine, don't push yourself, listen to music, your favorite playlist, sing, relax, exercise, medite, cook your favorite food, make video calls to your friends. Look at the sky, see more of nature.

Stay optimistic and when everything happens you will know that you carried out positive activities and dedicated time for yourself, your self-care and personal growth.

From my window
Protect your physical health and don't forget your mental health
Visual arts