I'm helping my dad, and hopefully others too


My dad has been in isolation in a new flat since the 15th of March in a city which is a long way from home.  He doesn’t know how to cook.  

I’m a 16 year old student studying in the UK and I flew back to Delhi with my sister a few days before India closed it’s borders. To clarify, I have no idea how to cook either - the extent of my culinary skills is making cup a noodles at the most. But I have my mother and sister with me, both amazing at cooking so my meals for the day are covered. My dad, on the other hand, has nobody. With limited stock and no cooking skills, this isolation period has not been easy for him. I wanted to help my dad out, so I asked my mom if she could teach me a new recipe everyday, which I could simplify and pass along to him. My inability to cook has come to good use when writing these recipes as I can explain things that absolute beginners like me and my dad would not understand otherwise.

 I have started a blog to share these easy ‘lockdown’ recipes , for all those people who are struggling in the same situation as my father - whether its a kid, university student, or parent, caretaker or anyone. Food is an amazing source of comfort and solace and cooking is a good break away from these troubling times. It keeps me busy as well and helps take my mind off the uncertainty of things. This blog is a reminder of that, and hopefully a good means to achieve it. I post new recipes everyday of wholesome food for the soul with a message to people that they are not alone!

It has been a fulfilling journey for me so far. Take a bad situation, and find the good in it - or try to bring good to it. That's what lockdown has taught me, in all honesty. You don't have to be a college graduate, a professional or just an adult to make a change. That change doesn't have to be colossal either - no matter how big or small, it makes an impact. 



