My 20's Journey: "Change Is Something That Comes From Within And Cannot Be Forced By Others "


"Everyone can change if they want to, and everyone can heal if they believe."

Getting out of a situation or hardship is indeed not as simple as it appears. It may take years. It all depends on the individual's beliefs and their surroundings. 

I've heard that, basically, humans are too weak for that.

My parents teach me about faith and finding meaning in every hardship. My mindset was headed towards "what God wants to teach me?" "What could I get from this situation?" "How to find the way out?". The result is not just about the way of thinking to get out of the situation but also about emotional control. Emotional control is also not about holding back the anger or tears, because precisely pouring out our emotions will make us feel relieved. Emotional control here is related to patience and acceptance. So, what we could get is an enhancement of stability’s level within ourselves.

The faith that my parents instilled in me led me to believe that all the work that we have done during our journey is something that will be reported to God. So, that's how I believe that all hardships are a form of learning that comes from God to better ourselves. That is my mindset.
