The Right to Education of Children and Youth

The power of education.

The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the youth and children, especially those from Africa and other developing countries, cannot be underestimated. The issues of travel bans and public transport means, prohibitation of social gatherings and quarantines significantly impact education at all levels, both within countries and internationally.

Developing countries have less robust education systems that may significantly experience breakdowns of their education at all levels, while the desire of most young Africans to acquire formal education will be crushed. The most immediate remedy to salvage the situation to my thinking is the adoption of education technology. With various educational institutions employing e-learning systems, education through radios, televisions, the internet and newspapers among others. Online learning, webinars and flipped classrooms can too be a potent mode of education delivery now and in the future when such outbreaks occur.

But the biggest question is to how the above solutions can be effectively administered in developing counties with struggling ICT structures and high levels of poverty?

The majority of the rural population of the youth and children in Africa and developing countries do not have access to these educational materials and are thus missing out amidst this pandemic, This is mainly because of the high levels of poverty, high internet cost with low rural penetration, lack of the gadgets to access these e-educational materials such as radios, televisions, mobile phones among others.

Amidst all these challenges, we the young generation cannot afford to give up or merely look on, as we have unlimited potential to make or break our future.With education as a fundermental right, its time to help our learners and less priviledged children access education. You do not need to be highly educated or professionally trained to help educate the future and promote equality in education.

I reached out to the nearby schools and requested them to send me e-mail me study and learning materials that I print at the comfort of my room with a printer that for long had been lying idle. I then distributed these study to children around my community especially for those who do not have access to such materials.

Together we can do more, no matter how small your contribution can be.


