

One of the situations of great magnitude, with which we have had to face as humanity today;  It is the COVID-19 Pandemic that took us by surprise. 

The confinement in our homes to stop the immediate spread of the virus and thus avoid the collapse of health systems around the world, has been able to reveal other social problems that spread daily and we cannot forget.

 Due to the quarantine, although gender violence increased, also children and adolescents who were already victims of domestic violence have been trapped with their aggressor.

 The abuse can be physical or psychological and the consequences are serious, showing in behavior, physical and mental health.

 We must become aware of Domestic Violence, apply our values ​​as a society and understand that it is not okay to normalize it for certain things, it is important to identify it in time as it can be prevented.

 If you are a victim of abuse do not be afraid to speak.  If you know someone who has told you or you think they are being affected, support them!  Even in quarantine you are not alone.

 Violence is also an emergency!

Visual arts