A wish for 2021


We went through a difficult year for everyone but it is not bad to have wishes for the next one, that is why I am writing this letter for 2021:

I dream of a year with more equality, in which we overcome the barriers of gender, religion, color, social class, etc. and let us unite to overcome the consequences that 2020 will leave us.

I dream of a year with more health for everyone not only for those who can pay for It but also for every person who needs it anywhere in the world.

I dream of a year with more education. The pandemic stopped education for many who needed it, in 2021 we have to promote and look for plans so that education does not stop and everyone has access to it, this is our key to moving forward.

I dream of a year of solidarity and empathy, let yourself think, accompany and help others, because a lot of people need your help.

I dream of a better 2021 than the previous years, and I trust that we are going to move forward to fulfill each one of these wishes. Trust yourself, take your time, speak and listen to others, respect, study and fight for what belongs to you. Together we can achieve a more inclusive and equal world.

Let's unite for a better year.

Happy 2021 to everyone. 
