Loving All Versions of Myself

Three roses. One pink, one red, and one orange sit in an unusual vase.

Dear Rose,

I am proud of yesterday.

Did you notice all those flowers that got away because you were too anxious and depressed to even think about growing them? 

I respect you for wanting to save everyone around you even if it drained all your energy. Look at all the people who hurt you deeply. You decided not to hold a grudge. You are so brave! I hope you do not regret deciding not to run away from the pain. I am happy you decided to face it. I am happy you decided to look at your reflection and say “I need help". Thank you for getting help. Do you forgive yourself for every tear that poured down your face, all the times you thought things were not possible, all nights you cried to sleep, all the hope you did not have?

Rose, I am proud of today.

You decided to plant all these new flowers.

I like seeing you smile. I like you for not wearing a mask anymore and for not overthinking every step you take because it used to be easier for your anxiety.
I am glad you can be yourself at your worst and best with your friends and not being afraid of it. I know you feel better than ever!

I am proud of tomorrow.

Rose, I look forward to seeing the person you will become. Please accept the today you, tomorrow. That is the reason why you are here today. Because of the last version of yourself.

Let’s garden together, Rose. A garden full of roses.
