Hope for a New Dawn

A street lamp near a wooden bench

Dear you,

It is still a surprise that I sluggishly crawled past 365 days. Every gap between my breath feels like an eternity, but it is already 2022. Since 2020, the time has twirled its way around me like a spinning totem about to fall. One thing does not surprise me, even the slightest: Time is pulling the invisible strings tied on to us for better reasons.

You surely know what I do if boredom hits me so hard- dust off the photo album, laugh at your cute, cherubic face, and thank the presence of things that bring back childhood nostalgia. Whenever I feel low, mostly for no reason at all, your smile in every photo brings me hope for the better. The little me who has crossed all these 17 years to shape a better version of oneself is truly appreciable. You had no clue what you wanted to be after these years, but let me tell you: I am grateful for whatever you have done so far. As a token of love, I wish to pen down a few pieces of advice that would be helpful when you become oblivious to the passage of time. I know how impatient you are but do read till the end.

To the one who was fifteen years ago, the most curious of all: I know you are hardly aware of alphabets at this stage, but there is another thing that I know too- you have the burning desire to learn. Keep asking ‘why’ as you always did. Do not let anyone limit your curiosity. It does not mean that you can nag your sibling with repeated questions (it will end you up in trouble). All joking aside, this is to tell you that it is okay if you love playing with car toys and paper rockets than with dolls. Cheers to a great start!

To the one I was ten years ago, the risk-taker: Still struggling to have a way with cycles? Nothing to worry about. Do not feel disappointed if you cannot achieve something in one go. To ride a bicycle perfectly, you must fall so that you can give it another try. After years, you would become a funambulist, trying hard to balance personal, academic and work lives with responsibilities on your shoulders. Oh, my! I am not trying to daunt you about the future, but that is the reality. Who says you would lose joy when you grow up?

Apart from these, I appreciate you for feeling every moment you could seize. How would you react if the stereo plays your favourite song? Shout out loud and dance as if there is no tomorrow, right? Keep enjoying every moment with no exception or expectation, and do not let the fear of judgement silence you. I know you are more interested in what you do than what others think.

To the one I was five years ago, the best learner: I know your love for reading books. Yeah, books are the best teachers, but not everyone knows it. A few may bully you for that (I still wonder why), calling you names, but you can choose to ignore them- this is the best response. Bullies may cross your path for whatever you do, wherever you are. You have to prove them wrong, and do not forget that you have a great way ahead. Although books are great, true wisdom comes only with experience. Travel places, meet people, socialise with ease and love what you do. These bring you contentment for a lifetime.

To the one I was yesterday, the confused head: Better get rid of those unnecessary thoughts right in your head. Do not pressurise yourself that you are behind in the race and you are not productive these days. Let me be honest with you: For what’s all this rush? Pressure is healthy for a limit, but it must not be a driving force for you to live. Move at your own pace and appreciate whatever you have and whatever you are. Count moments, not minutes- the idea of productivity is capitalist if you ask me.

Reading these, you may end up thinking, “Did I end up becoming a sage or what?” but I have a thing to tell: I am just one day older than you. A day prior, I was as confused as you were. All these optimistic thoughts arose only after spending a good time with our family. It is hard to find this magic, but you could feel it. Make sure you do not let your family down no matter what. After you, they are the ones who really care about you. This weekend, wake your sister with a cup of tea you would make with all your love. How old were you when you realised that tea is her second love, only after you?

Today, I witnessed changes in the world within me and beyond. I do not want to sound serious, but I just wanted you to know things that no one else could tell you except me. It is weird that I am you and not at the same time. I know your unbelievable wishes and unfulfilled promises you had written on the last page of your journal. Although I have grown a bit, I know in my heart of hearts that I am still the same-old kid, funny and good. I am crossing my heart- I will surely take you to heights that you always wanted to be. The path of life still waits for you to unveil the surprises it has got.Time has given you the power of hope. Utilise it for the right reason.

You must have known that I do not advise anyone but advising myself is something that is bound to happen. Yes, I am one of the puppets of time too!

With love,

Your well-wisher
