Peace can be a reality

A dove flying representing peace

In a world of war, I searched for peace

In a world of hate, I searched for love

In a world of discrimination, I searched for acceptance

In a world of racism, I searched for equality

​​​​​In a world of injustice, I searched for fairness 

But I found NONE.

Then I decided I will be peace.

By accepting my neighbour for who they are.

Remember peace can be a reality if we do not make religion a barrier in loving my neighbour.

Peace can be a reality if I am ready to put aside all differences and accept my neighbour with open arms.

Peace starts with you and me. If we are not peaceful in our heart, we cannot bring peace that transforms our world.

The innocent child is tired of hearing the sound of bombs.

 The innocent child is tired of seeing men carrying guns and shooting recklessly.

The innocent teenager is tired of reading newspapers that are just reporting about wars.

She is advocating for peace.

Peace can indeed be a reality if we learn to control our emotions.
