The beauty of silence


Silence is tension, 

Silence is uncertainty, 

Silence is confusion

Silence is ambiguity


Silence is so beautiful. 


It eddies away like Zephyr and

Drifts away like a hot shower

It doesn't let you conquer, 

Until the last moment, 

Gets smarter and smarter. 


Silence is unworded words

And unspoken speech. 

Silence is ungranted

The meaning is difficult to reach. 


Silence is a mystery, 

Silence is clandestine, 

It is the soul of the reticent, 

The language of divine. 


Silence is unimaginably lofty, 

In a sense that it doesn't pervade, 

Nor lets. 


It is seldom decipherable, 

But a confusion lingers on, 

It is beautiful in turbulence and

Prettier when nuances are born. 


It is a great method to end bloodshed and 

Let the inequalities fall. 

It resides in the mind of the calmer, 

The cooler, who are introverts to all. 


It is beautiful because animals talk silence, 

They share feelings of love, peace and violence, 

While remaining silent

Being silent is such an attribute, 

It can dispel the bad mood and make softer the attitude. 


Silence is aphonic, 

Silence is a plethora of sounds, 

Silence is platonic, 

Silence is coquettish as you turn around. 


Silence is elderly, 

Silence is evolved, 

Those who stay silent, know the dynamics of this disparate world. 

