The things I'm doing during quarantine

This is Ahmad's photo

Although Carona is a humanitarian disaster, many of the world's Philosophers believe that there will be another world after the end of Corona.

We have been quarantined for three weeks (21 days) in Kabul the capital of Afghanistan. What are some of the things I'm doing during this period? Not going outside - I stay home all day. I pursue university lessons online, I read books, research the Coronavirus, write on social media, translate, follow some free online courses, play games (Chess), and watch many informative videos on YouTube about the Coronavirus.

My purpose behind watching the videos is to understand the biological and economic aspects of this virus. Every day I see how many people have been infected, how many have recovered and how many have died. Looking at the world's stock markets, how many have been closed and how much they have suffered. An article I quoted in Quarantine has been published in several media outlets titled "Corona virus, economic impact on China and the region.".

And I am still researching about, how Coronavirus will effect the economy of developing countries. But in addition to all of this, I still have time to work out of for half an hour during the day.

Let's turn this threat into a big opportunity.

# Let's beat Corona together.
