We need to change society

This a picture of people gathering around to protest and holding up signs that says justice for all

On March 15, 2019, the Muslim community witnessed a horrific act. An Australian man by the name of Brenton Harrison Tarrant attacked  Muslims at a mosque. Last I watched the news it was stated that 50 people were killed and an additional 50 were wounded or in critical condition. I felt great sadness and despair as I watched the news because It seems like every other day you turn on the news people are being killed at the hands of terrorists or gunmen. When are WE as a society going to put a stop to such acts of hatred and fight for what's right?

In the world that we live today such things as our ethnicity, religion, and sexuality can cause us to be killed or hated by people who don't have the same views as us. Can you imagine going to a holy sanctuary to pray, and see a man holding a rifle start shooting people off one by one? I would feel scared and quite frankly I don't think anyone would want to be in that specific situation. This tragic incident made me open my eyes and realize how grateful I should be that I get a chance to live yet another day.

My deepest condolences go out to the family's and friend's that lost someone dear to their hearts.  At times I sit back and think of all the hate that's in the world and start to feel sorrow. Often times many crimes go unnoticed and people feel like they don't get the justice they deserve. We as a society need to stand up tall and fight to ensure that these Muslims receive justice. Nowadays it seems like you could leave the comfort of your home today and not know if you are coming back tomorrow. 

United States of America