Family tea time: one cup of magic

Illustration of family tea time

Being under quarantine for a long time has a huge impact on me and my thoughts. I started to enjoy simple things, like saying good morning to my parents, asking them about their childhood and etc. I know, it sounds strange, I find strange to think that all this time I didn't "see" my parents, I didn't talk to them about the universe, nature, politics, food.

On the one hand, I am very happy to realize it now. On the other hand, I wish it would happen under different circumstances (without pandemic and all negative thoughts). If you read this, please, make one cup of magic and share it with your family. Stay safe!

P.S. I didn't know that my mom was riding a motorcycle and my dad was riding a horse.

If you are between 13 and 24, share your illustrations, drawings and other art content that help raise awareness on the importance of supporting each other, kindness in terms of crisis and taking care of your mental health. Learn how to do it, here.

Visual arts