Gender based violence during COVID-19

Gender base violence scenario

As we all are staying home, this may be a challenging and stringent period for many women and young girls because of the ill treatment melted on them by their partners or individuals who are physically stronger than them.

According to the UN General Secretary and the research that has been conducted, the COVID-19  crisis has caused a proliferation in gender based violence. The hearts of many and law enforcement agencies are preoccupied with the current pandemic at hand and there are no spaces left to handle gender based violence issues.

Gender based violence is known to have physical/health emotional/social implications and as well leaving people with long-lasting scars which affect the individuals and survivors negatively. Domestic violence in the family affects children as well. Women and young girls are not only going through physical abuse, but also emotional assaults which make them feel unwanted, rejected and discouraged from fulfilling their aspirations and dreams 

Show your support by fighting against all forms of violence.
