Defining Success

Climbing to success

Quarantine has given me time to introspect. I thought I could work on myself and practice mindfulness. But stuck inside your home contemplating can be quite overwhelming.

Even though I tried hard to be stoic, I was still comparing myself and my achievements with my peers. This made me feel insignificant, made me question myself and my decisions though I have been doing things that I genuinely enjoy.

We have been told that doing certain things would pave the path to success. We have lost ourselves and have started doing things mechanically believing that it will bring us success and happiness. If you think about it, we have been working on what other people say being successful is.

Our life isn’t a checklist that we need to cross out to feel successful and significant. Success is different for everyone as happiness is. We shouldn’t try to lose ourselves in the process of achieving the success the world has defined for us.

I am sure after this pandemic we will be back in the rat race without any time for ourselves. So instead of doing something that the world wants you to, start doing something you enjoy and think will make you feel better. I recommend practicing mindfulness and meditation as well. It will certainly make you feel better.

Finally, we’re in this together and everything will be alright in the end. Stay safe, healthy and, importantly happy.
