The Beauty Of Change

Trees of different colors lined up along with a blue sky with clouds in the background.

Change can be scary. It is a common fear in most people. The thought of leaving the comfort of what you have, possibly restarting, taking a step towards something you are not yet familiar with. It can be overwhelming. See, I think there is something beautiful about the act of change. The opportunity to grow, develop, being forced into a situation that pushes you to paint a new flower on the fine china that you are or start a new chapter in your life. Although, this is a view that is hard to find when change is seemingly staring you down while you walk down your path of life.

In the fourth grade my parents picked up our family and moved us across the country. I was nine and it didn’t phase me with what was going on. I hadn’t made lifelong friends or really have any attachment to where I was. But when nine months ago my parents said we would do it again after living in California for six years, I was thrown into a panic. I had made the friends I wanted to keep for a lifetime, I was a part of organizations that I made commitments to, and I was part of an amazing school that I wanted to pursue for the rest of my high school years. I tried to push change away, deny what was happening, and hold on to a part of my life that I knew was about to become a part of the past. Despite my efforts to stop the change that I felt was rushing at me with speeds I was not ready for, it still occurred. Change is just a part of life that is difficult. I am not going to sit here and say it is easy but it can be easier when you understand the benefits.

Without changes, life would become mundane. As a person you are not forced to grow and work to develop yourself without being pushed daily out of your regular comfort zone. Through my move I was able to meet incredible people that I would not have gotten to meet from where I was. New opportunities have arose allowing me to try new things that I would not have tried before, as I was scared to do something different. I am experiencing life in a different place than I am used to with new perspectives all around me. Without this major change I would not have experienced this development as a person. There are many other changes a person faces in their life. Many of the outcomes in my story could be outcomes in your story, but you will never get to experience these outcomes if you refuse to accept change. 

The changes you face make you who you are as a person, each event adding to your story, a new path you take on your road. Some may be harder than others, but each will allow you to further yourself in new ways. There is so much beauty that is to come when experiencing change. Whether it is that new friend you will meet along the way, a perspective change, or something as simple as finding enjoyment in the change you resented. The change you are facing right now or about to face, accept it, you don’t know how it is going to alter your life for the better.

United States of America