Peace, My Greatest Fantasy

Poems for peace

Marking  International Poetry Day (21 March 2020), a group of young poets and Voices of Youth contributors write about the power of peace. Their poems are a cry to end violence against children, and a message of support to the children and youth affected by conflict. 

Fatu Kaba is a 21-year old from Liberia. She is passionate about using entrepreneurship to solve human rights issues such as education, healthcare, women empowerment, poverty, and climate change. She wrote this poem in collaboration with Janetta Konah, a 23 years old Liberian who is passionate about promoting a reading culture in her country. She lives in Monrovia, where she collects words and  moves through her daily life on the wings of poetry.


Oh, how I wish to cuddle in peace 

to dwell in love and unity

like the conference of forest embrace the mountains

and the mountain holds the earth

Oh, how I wish for peace to ripple

through the world like a river with many curves.


All around us, anger and greed has clouded the world

hatred and bitterness has eaten to its core.

like a lightning bolt, death and destruction

strikes through our cities

the woeful wails, and whines, and weepings

of war wanders on the winds

sorrows seep from the seams of our soul

as we hang our heads in agony.


The quest for peace is absolute

but so much have been said and dreamed,

and not much done

it's time we silence the gun

it's time we turn our foes into friends

not just with mere tolerance, 

not just with the absence of war

but with love for ourselves, each other, and the world 

it's time we blend and become one.


Peace is calling to us, billowing

like a sheer white curtain at a window 

It is the lens of life we need to see

that despite our culture, country or color

we are all the same, descendants of the earth

children of the universe.


If peace is what we pray for

then peace is what we should give

like a blooming sunflower, it's how we should grow

holding our hands together in harmony

in a relax and calm state of mind

peace should be how we live.


Oh, how I fantasize about a world

where all can roam happy and free

a place where the path of peace is laid out,

where love waters the earth crust

where rainbows of kindness kiss our cheeks

where I can dance in rays of hope 

where there is no difference between all human soul

where I can be me

a world where peace is the way we are.
