Art and lockdown: your drawings in the time of coronavirus

Listen to your heart

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, many of you are creating art as a way of expressing yourself and staying socially connected while keeping physical distance. 

Some decided to create illustrations about the importance of taking care of your mental health during times of isolation. Others opted to pay tribute to health care workers on the frontline of the pandemic. Or shared a message of support  against stigma and discrimination.

Here is a selection of some of the drawings you submitted through our website and on social media, using the hashtag #VoicesOfYouth.

?️ Do you want to share yours too? You can learn how to do it here



"I’m a Covid Warrior," by Clément Herrmann, 17, France (@clem__art).
"I’m a Covid Warrior," by Clément Herrmann, 17, France (@clem__art).
Art about lockdown and COVID, created by a young artist from Kuwait
"Being under lockdown due to COVID-19 for the past three months, it was natural to feel bogged down so I would paint to feel relaxed. This painting is a personification of my situation, which is why I captioned it 'Trapped by reality, freed by imagination.' For me art, be it sketching or painting, has always been therapeutic, more so during this lockdown. I've realised that painting offers me a gateway to a more peaceful and happy place."

Zainab, 14, Kuwait.
Illustration about living in lockdown
"This illustration, '(Not) Everyone Can Feel Safe At Their Own Home,' took me almost more than a month to finish (specifically it’s 16h 22m, according to my screen time). This piece was inspired by stories told by people around the internet who have to stay with their abusive partner or toxic parents." Rizka, 19, Indonesia
Honor your heroes
"Help spread the love," Sara, 23 ?
Illustration by Binderiya, 24, Mongolia
"I stayed at work for you, you stay at home for us! ?‍⚕️?‍⚕️" Binderiya, 24, Mongolia
Illustration about women in the front lines of the COVID pandemic
"I am thankful to doctors and nurses. Crimes against women are rising during lockdowns. I want women to feel strong about themselves. A lady's inner voice is stronger than her fears," Gunjan, 19, India
COVID-19 versus Health & Humanity
"COVID-19 versus Health & Humanity. We will make it through," Sophia, USA.
Illustration by Valeria Gavenko, 15, Myrnograd
"All of it will be washed off, no traces left. Though it will be possible only when mankind grasps its faith and perception of the situation." Valeria Gavenko, 15, Myrnograd (eastern Ukraine).
Illustration by
"Quarantine is a glimpse, our history, and a hint from nature. Stop. Close your eyes and think over it. Take a breath - and feel, even through a hard cloth, the light scent of freshly awakened flowers, and a touch of wind of spring." Sofiya Kalitvintseva, 18, Mariupol (eastern Ukraine)
Illustration about COVID-19 by Garima, 16, India
"I know we’re going through a tough time, but don’t panic: our efforts won’t go in vain," Garima, 16, India
Illustration by Mirdula
"A tribute to all the frontline workers who are putting their lives on the line to save ours!", by Mirdula, 14, India
Illustration about covid19 lockdowns and mental health
"We are all feeling small and stressed. So we need to take care of our mental health too. Stay home, stay safe, and also stay positive!" Munkhzul.Lkh, 26, Mongolia
"Mental health is a priority! You are not alone," Diana, Honduras
To every healthcare worker working during this difficult time.
"To every healthcare worker working during this difficult time," by Hafsa Yüksel, 18 Germany.
Illustration by Malvika Mohan on coronavirus
"Personally, it has been difficult to keep a steady mind. But knowing that there are many people out there in the medical industry, including my very own sister, who refuse to take a break or simply stop working against the virus, gives great encouragement to stay strong. Let's support the ones who are working tirelessly for saving millions of lives," says Malvika Mohan, 22, India.
Illustration by Binderiya, 24, Mongolia
“Take care of your mental health just like you would do with your physical health.” Binderiya, 24, Mongolia
illustration of doctor and kids on the shoulder
"Stay home = support doctors. We are all united, we are all responsible for each other!" Aizat, Kyrgyzstan.
Clément Herrmann, 17, France
"We think of you," Clément, 17, France.
Illustration about keeping your mood up during quarantine
"I missed school and I missed my teachers. I was scared of how I was supposed to learn even though our last exams were over. I mostly work out through dance and stretching, and I started practicing meditation. I love to draw comics and I am enjoying doing that right now." Kaninica, 12, India

Vipul Chawla, 23, India
"Staying indoors has given me an ample amount of time to do things I deeply care about. Creating illustrations is one of those things," Vipul, 23, India
"Protect yourself ? All people fight against the pandemic," Lin Han, Canada
You are not alone!
"Now it is a time to stay home. Time to save lives. You can say: “I am bored”, “It is so hard”, “There is nothing to do at home”. It is normal. But you are not alone!" Samira, 22, Azerbaijan

Do your part
"Making do by making art. We are not alone in this. Love each other from a far, pray for those who are sick and on the front lines, and continue to do your part," Emily, USA.
They are our heroes.
"They are our heroes. We can win... and we will," Andrea, 17, Croatia
Lorena, 17, Bacău, Romania
Drawing of a girl looking from her room's window
"Look more at the sky, observe nature. Feel free to do everything that serves your self-care, take care of your mental health," Diana, Honduras.
The painting entitled (Love is anti-virus) Drawing by : Samaa’ AL Ameer
"If you love your country, stay at home, and preserve the lives of your family and neighbors, then it is your duty to protect yourself and others, because we are all like one family," Samaa’ AL Ameer, Iraq.
The front liners are the real heroes in fighting against COVID -19
"The front liners are the real heroes in fighting against COVID -19," Amanda, India.
During quarantine...
"Stay at home to save the world!" Nahor, Upshifter in Rome
Drawing - Tudor, 12, Iași, Romania

Discover more stories and illustrations from young people across the globe sharing their thoughts and experiences during this pandemic. And share yours!

Visual arts